Web Links


We offer the following selection of links to help you find more information and support. We do our best to ensure this list is up to date but do not take responsibility for the content of each site.

General Medical Links


Lets you find references to scientific articles on any medical topic.

Ostomy Canada

Information and support for people who have an ileostomy or colostomy.

Cancer Links


An excellent site for cancer patients and their families including information, support and lots of links to cancer-related sites.

Canadian Cancer Society

Programs for Canadian cancer patients and their families.

Cancer Care Ontario

The provincial agency that oversees all regional cancer centres in Ontario, as well as the "Ontario Cancer Genetics Network".


Information and support about childhood cancers.

Colorectal Cancer
of Canada

The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting colorectal cancer patients, their families and caregivers.

NCI Cancer

The National Cancer Institute (USA) has a wealth of information on every type of cancer for both patients and health professionals.

Mount Sinai's Family
Medicine Genetics

This site offers clinical genetic information and resources.

Genetics Links



The National Society of Genetic Counsellors has information about the genetic counselling profession, including how to find genetic counselling services near you.


A support and information network for people and families with rare diseases.