Kids' Korner


Kid's KornerKids' Korner offers information about different polyp (bumps that grow inside the bowel) conditions that can occur during childhood and adolescence. This area answers your questions and talks about worries that children and teenagers may have which are quite different from adults.

It is important for kids to understand how their body works. Kids have really excellent questions about intestines ("guts") and polyps. We hope Kids' Korner is interesting and helpful to you. We want kids to understand what certain tests are and what they are for. If kids understand more about their treatment, they will feel more in control of their body.

Kids' Korner is divided into the following sections:

The Guts

The Buddy System

Polyps & You

FAP (Familial Adenomatous Polyposis) & You

HNPCC (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer) & You

PJS (Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome) & You

JP (Juvenile Polyposis) & You

Your Family Tree

Resources - Books
