

The following articles are compiled from previous issues of Network Newsletter:

Research Update

The FAP gene
Bharati Bapat, PhD - Department of Pathology, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory

Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
Bharati Bapat, PhD - Department of Pathology, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory

Medical Newsfront

Fap in the small intestine
Steven Gallinger, MD, Department of Surgery

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
John Parker, MD - Ophthalmologist

Insuring carriers of inherited colorectal genes
J.A. Lowden MD, PhD, FRCPC, Vice President and Chief Medical Director, Crown Life Insurance, Regina, Saskatchewan

Support Group and Programs

Editor's Mail bag
Barbara Wendland, RPDt - Dietitian
Karen Witkowski, RN - Enterostomal Therapist
Zane Cohen, MD - Department of Surgery

Reading Corner
The Healing Journey
Author: Dr. Alastair Cunningham

Wellness Workbook
Authors: Dr. John Travis and Regina Ryan