Clinical Trial for oral medication in Crohn's Disease


Details of Research

Shlomit Boguslavsky, Clinical Research Coordinator
416-586-4800 x 8351

Primary Investigator: Dr. Hillary Steinhart

Enrolment: Ongoing

Mount Sinai Hospital is participating in a research study to understand the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication for treating Crohn’s Disease.
This mediation is given orally (by mouth).

We are looking for individuals:

This study will last up to 4.5 years. Your Crohn’s Disease will be assessed and, if eligible, participants will be randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive study medication or placebo ("dummy" drug). If your Crohn’s Disease has not improved by week 12 of the study, you may be eligible for the open-label (no placebo) portion of the study. Reimbursement will be provided for study-related travel expenses.