

Stool Frequency and Consistency

Following the pelvic pouch procedure, the average person at six months has between four to six movements a day. However, everyone's response is different. There is a period of adaptation with the pelvic pouch. The pouch has to learn to expand and hold onto stool and this takes time.

While improvements will happen over time, as the pouch expands and more water is absorbed from the stool, there are some measures that can be done to help the situation. Suggested measures include:

Stool Leakage

Improvement in stool leakage is largely a function of time. Suggestions to improve this situation include:

Night-Time Movements

Sleep interruption to use the bathroom can be exhausting. Most people eat the largest meal in the evening due to a typically busy work schedule. There are several suggestion to decrease the problem of nighttime movements. Suggestions include:

Emptying Problems
Allowing time for movements is an important factor in successful movements. The rectum normally contracts to squeeze stool out like you would squeeze toothpaste from a tube. This is why going to the bathroom is normally fairly quick and easy. A pelvic pouch, however, has to empty by gravity and this can take time. If individuals with pouches spend only a few seconds on the toilet they may only empty stool from the bottom quarter of their pouch. Then, 10 minutes later stool in the upper part of the pouch falls into the lower part and there is another trip to the toilet. Suggestions which may help emptying problems include:

Continued difficulties with evacuating or emptying the pouch should be discussed with your surgeon as there may be other factors contributing to the problem, such as strictures/narrowing at the lower end of the pouch, or the type of pouch constructed.


Hemorrhoidal tissue is left behind with the surgery. Hemorrhoids can develop due to the increase in stool frequency. Hemorrhoidal treatment would not vary. Suppositories or creams can be safely used following the pelvic pouch procedure.