
What is the PACE IBD Telemedicine Program?
Through support from Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) centre at Mount Sinai Hospital has embarked on an innovative project to improve access to quality IBD care for individuals living in rural and remote communities throughout Ontario.  As a participant site within the Promoting Access and Care through Centres of Excellence (PACE) network, our IBD team is conducting eVisits through our newly launched telemedicine program.


The IBD telemedicine program is dedicated to serving patients living with Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis who reside in underserviced locations throughout Ontario. We accept referrals for adult patients living at least 100 kms from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.

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Patients in the IBD telemedicine program have access to real-time medical consultations from Gastroenterologists who specialize in IBD management.  Telemedicine essentially involves a health care specialist speaking to a patient through videoconferencing technology similar to Skype or FaceTime, but within a secured computer network.  Through the use of this technology, our program endeavors to minimize the disruption, stress and cost that can be associated with travel to Toronto for IBD related medical appointments.

For further information regarding the PACE IBD telemedicine program, please contact:

Peter Habashi, RN, MN, BScN, HBSc - PACE Telemedicine Coordinator
Mount Sinai Hospital - Zane Cohen Centre for Digestive Diseases
Phone: 416-586-4800 x 2188 Fax: 416-586-5971